I predict that Skype is just a fad.

I downloaded the Skype tool a few months back and was really excited about it. I even made sure my daughter had a camera. Six months later I find I have not used the application for the past 5 months. It appears that Skype is not that exciting. I hope I get more use out of my 3D TV.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Things I love about Health Care Reform

Everybody hates a complainer. There is so much negativity in the news these days I decided to take a few minutes and try to see the sunny side of the national political scene. That said, here is my list of things I love about the new Health Care Reform bill.

Medicare cuts. The bill cuts Medicare by $500,000,000.00 over the next 10 years. This is perfect. I will be retiring in about 10 years and lately I’ve been so worried about Medicare. Will it be there for me given all the unfunded liabilities? Will I be able to find a doctor that speaks English and has a degree from someplace other than the University of Phoenix? Now, thanks to Barak Obama and his merry band of Dems I don’t have to worry any more because this huge funding cut will surely signal the demise of this important piece of social legislation that is Medicare.

Closing the “Donut Hole.” This is a wonderful idea, although I’m sure I’ll never have to worry about this either (see above). I have friends that rely on the Medicare drug benefit for their prescription drug coverage. The problem is when they spend more than $3,000.00 on drugs in one year their coverage stops and they have to pay for the next $4,000.00 out of their own pocket. My friends have had such a hard time with this they have had to shop for the cheapest prices among local pharmacies instead of going to the same grocery store they have always gone to. They have even had to resort to asking for ‘Generic’ drugs just to get by. This is so heinous that it surely had to be invented by a Republican. Now thanks to Barak Obama and his merry band of Dems my friends will get a check for $250.00 to help plug that $4000.00 hole. I’m sure the check will arrive in October so they will be reminded to be grateful for this wonderful change as they prepare to vote in the November elections.

The Slaughter rule. If it had not been for this debate I may have never known of this marvelous method our congressional representatives have devised that allows them to avoid voting for something while voting for it anyway. I am constantly amazed at how inventive and intelligent these people are. I’m so glad they are running the country.

Ending the myth of the “Pro-Life Democrat.” James Tarranto of the Wall Street Journal expressed this in his column "The Best of the Web Today" I paraphrase it here because he made the point so well.

It warms my heart to see somebody stand up to those in authority based on nothing more than their own principled objections. So when Bart Stupak withstood immense pressure from his own party it was hard not to notice how this handful of pro-life democrats had seized the legislative initiative for the first time since Row vs. Wade, and brought the party of abortion to a screeching halt. Now that Stupak has caved you may ask what good I see in this. In short, it is always good to know who you can count on. When the votes are counted in November the real pro-life democrats (you know, the ones that work for a living, and vote) will now know who they can count on, and who will cave when given a symbolic gesture and a few hundred million dollars in airport subsidies for their home district.
We owe many thanks to Barak Obama and his merry band of Dems.

Health insurance premiums that will go down an average of $2,500.00 dollars. This is a big one. I heard this repeated over and over thanks to Barak Obama and his merry band of Dems as they cris-crossed the country giving speech after speech in support of this health care reform bill. I'm truly looking forward to this and will be sure to track how much my health care premiums go down next year, and every year going forward. That $2,500.00 is about how much I have to contribute to my company’s health care plan. So instead of having my coverage go down and my premiums go up next year I can count on the exact opposite. I won't forget this next year around November as I try to decide which of the new health care plans to select from my employer's annual benefit enrollment package. I'll be keeping track, of this you can be sure.

The end of freedom and limited government. Now that Barak Obama and his merry band of Dems have made it clear that they can force me to engage in commerce and buy something that I may have had no interest in buying I feel a tremendous sense of relief. I’m relieved because I am sure they will not stop with health care reform. Who knows what other decisions they will make for me, thereby relieving me of any necessity to ponder these weighty decisions on my own. If they decide that everybody must buy an ipod or be forced to pay a fine to the IRS, then I’ll have to buy an ipod. Maybe it will be AlGore Carbon Credits, or veggie burgers and soy milk instead of my preferred food choices. Or possibly they'll tell me I need to get rid of my big Texas Toyota truck and buy a Chevy made by Segway. Then my only worry will be how early to get up in the morning so I can make the 15 mile trek to work.

Of course that assumes I’ll still have a job since the new health care bill will cut the number of tests that doctors can run to figure out what is wrong with their patients. That is what Barak Obama and his merry band of Dems said, that this bill will save money because instead of ordering 5 tests, doctors will only be allowed to order one test. Those are the very tests that I help to deliver to the market place. Those are the tests that currently provide over 70% of the information used by health care providers to diagnose their patients. I hope I’m one not one of the 4 out of 5 people that my employer will have to lay off because of the reduced revenue that will result from this policy. I’m not worried about the quality of health care though because I’m sure Barak Obama and his merry band of Dems will be able to tell those same doctors exactly what tests to run. They won’t need to unplug grandma from the life support machines because nobody will be able to figure out exactly what is wrong. Grandma will simply pass away, thereby saving all that money that would otherwise be wasted on the one sector of the American economy that is still vibrant and growing. Meanwhile, the diagnostics and medical device industry as a whole will be forced to pay billions of dollars to the government in order to subsidize this whole health care reform bill. The same thing is in store for the pharmaceutical industry, and the health insurance industry.

I wonder if there are any jobs in China? I hear Singapore is about to get a slew of business and related jobs from the diagnostics industry.

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