Please visit the Notice for Platte DeVon "P.D." Stout. (this link has been disabled, so I converted it to a picture and posted it above. Click on the top picture for a full view.)
Mom and Dad left a legacy of six children. They are pictured above. So who is in the picture? Here is a brief description, from left to right:
Jane, the second oldest of Dad's children. School librarian and professional grandmother. Jane has five daughters and 6 grandchildren. Married to David R. Crocket, and yes, he does live up to that famous name.
Lisa, second youngest. Owns her own alterations shop. Took Dad in to live with her until he got to frail. Married to her third husband Frank, a wonderful man and Czechoslovakian immigrant. Two great children.
Me (Jon), third youngest and blessed to be alive, employed, and in fairly good health. Two amazing children and a wife (Carleen) that I don't deserve. God is Great.
Laurie, Third oldest, music teacher, plays Bass in the Salt Lake Symphony Orchestra, and did the lions share of work taking care of Dad the past few years. One son and one granddaughter. Married a wonderful man, Jim, for her first time at the age of 39+++.
Kevin, the youngest brother, professional musician, owns a music publishing company and has three albums he produced and played on, plus several more from when he played with the Four Freshmen. Also took this photograph. Plays jazz trombone and guitar. Just started a bluegrass band in which he plays banjo, and writes country music for fun. Also has four wonderful children. Married to Linda, an amazing artist and teacher in Las Vegas.
Steve, The oldest brother had his birthday the day my father passed away. Retired from the Salt Lake County Sheriff, retired from the National Guard, works as a dispatcher for the Utah Transit Authority Police. Plays bass in a big band, a jazz trio, and whenever he can pick up a gig. Played in the National Guard marching band and toured the old Soviet Union while Regan was president. Three children and four grandchildren. Married to Joan, whom I admire greatly.
There you have it. The legacy of a kind and unassuming man that worked most of his adult life to support his family. Dad always gave freely of his time and talents. He led us all by example. He was never ostentatious, never controlling, and always loved my mom with his whole heart, even when she got on his nerves. Thank you Dad for all you gave me. Rest in peace.
So, if anyone reads this and finds an error, please post a correction. I'll update the blog. Thanks for reading this. It was very cathartic to write.